


Hi, I'm luke.

I’m a highly motivated and highly organized creative leader with over 13 years of diverse experience in multimedia production, marketing, and global business.

Following a career in freelance film production and clinical communications, I moved to Tokyo in 2017. I studied Japanese and international relations at Sophia University, achieving full professional fluency in 2019.

I am currently pursuing my MBA while working as a business development and content marketer in the e-learning sector, and seeking a competitive opportunity hope to return to the entertainment industry I love.


大学卒業後9年間、競争の厳しい米国の映像業界に携わってきました。2017年に上智大学の留学生として、予ねてより独学で勉強してきた日本語をさらに学び、日本能力試験のN1 資格認定を獲得しました。


Luke has an incredible enthusiasm for his work. I was continually impressed by his wealth of experience, his efficiency, and most of all, his ability to lead and communicate in a multicultural setting.


Leo Lang, CEO, LS Corp. (Q Cafe, Q Stay and Lounge)

Some OTHER Things I do

Photography + Videography

I’ve been shooting and editing images professionally and as a hobby for nearly 20 years. Recently, I’ve collaborated on two coffee table photo books of my travels around Japan and Vietnam.

You can view my work on my photography website:

I also produced and directed a short film in 2015, which you can view here:

プロフェッショナルとして、また趣味の一環として、20年に渡り、映像を撮影や編集をしてきました。直近では、日本とベトナム旅行で収集した映像を用いて、豪華二本立てのphoto bookを共同制作しました。



Onsen Sommelier

To me, there’s nothing quite like a natural hot springs bath. Traveling to all the countless unique and beautiful onsen regions has been my favorite pastime since moving to Japan.

I received my official Onsen Sommelier certification in 2018, and I’m currently authoring a book introducing the culture and health benefits of onsen bathing to English audiences.



Theatre + Performance

I’ve been performing on stage regularly since high school, in everything from drama to comedic improv to mystery dinner theatre.

Most recently, I played Edgar in King Lear and Claudius in Hamlet with the Sophia University Shakespeare Company in Tokyo. Communicating the beauty of these plays in their original English to a Japanese audience was a challenging and an inspiring experience.


最近、上智大学のSophia Shakespeare Companyの会員として『リア王』にてエドガー、また『ハムレット』にてクローディアスを演じました。美しい言語で表現されているこの名作を、日本人の観衆へ英語で伝えることは、私にとって挑戦的であり、気持ちを奮起させる貴重な経験でした。